PSHE in P4

The children in P4 thought about the qualities of being a good friend. They discussed their friends in school and what it means to be a good friend. The children then made posters to remind people how to be a good friend. These will be displayed around school.  

Table Top Cricket in P4

P4 have been lucky enough to have coaching from Durham Cricket Club to learn how to play Table Top Cricket. It was great fun and we quickly worked out how good we all were at playing. There was lots of team encouragement. We have been invited to a tournament, where we will play competitively against…

Outdoor Learning P4

P4 love taking their learning outside. It was a chilly day, but that didn’t stop their learning. The children needed to find 10 natural objects and sort these using any criteria. The children explained how they sorted the objects using good spoken language skills. The children then discovered a letter from Willy Wonka, who wanted…

A Wonka Surprise in P4

P4 have started to read Charlie and the Chocolate Factory in English, to link with their topic. Everyone was amazed as one student brought in a Wonka Bar. The classroom was filled with excitement and nervous tension as the chocolate bar was being opened. Suddenly, a glint of gold was spotted and there it was…a…

Sensational Start in P4

The children in P4 are very excited to be learning all about chocolate this term. A sensational start was made to the topic where the children tasted different chocolate and tried to guess which chocolate was which. This was much tricky than they thought. The children started to consider whether they would enjoy chocolate as…