Within Croft Community School, our pupils are supported by highly trained staff to support them with their emotional, behavioural and well-being needs, within the classroom. At times pupils may struggle with the demands of the classroom environment and need further support. Croft house a behaviour support service known as The Hub and The Bridge. This area of the school is run by staff who are specially trained in supporting and managing mental health and behaviour.
Here at Croft we want all pupils to achieve to the best of their abilities and sometimes they need a little extra support in getting there. Pupils are encouraged to seek support from The Bridge if they are struggling with their emotions and mental health. Here they will be supported in working through their emotions, to understand what they look and feel like to them and how to respond to that feeling/emotion.
The Hubs aim is to positively support pupils with their behaviour needs, understanding where that behaviour comes from and to look at other ways to respond, rather than react. Pupils are encouraged and highly supported to make good choices and to seek support when feeling dysregulated and use the strategies that they have been given.
Staff at Croft encourage all pupils to follow the below expectations:
· Right place, right time
· Speak positively to others
· Follow staff requests
· Respect the needs, beliefs, values and views of others
· Be ready to learn
· Always try your best
At the end of every term, Croft holds a rewards day, to provide pupils with fun and engaging activities to reward them for all their hard work and always trying their best. On rewards days pupils have enjoyed:
– A day of inflatables, to name a few – assault courses, bouncy castles, slides, wack ‘a’ mole, base jump.
– Paint balling
– Crofts winter wonderland
– Flower arranging
– Pizza Hut
– Metrocentre
– Movie days
– Sports days (Watching sports games on the big screen)
– Games console rooms
– Alan Shearer centre
+ many more.
Miss V Elcock – Deputy head teacher, overall responsibility of the behaviour support services offered at Croft Community School.
Miss R Quinn – Behaviour HLTA – responsible for the implementation and day to day management of The Hub and behaviour throughout the school.
Miss D Lally – Behaviour LSA – Supporting in the setting up and running of The Hub.
Miss M Birbeck – Emotional, Well-Being Support – Responsible for the day to day running and support of The Bridge
Croft Community School
Greencroft Road End, Annfield Plain, Stanley, Co. Durham, DH9 8PR
Tel: 01207 234547