Formal Curriculum

Formal (Primary)

Pupils who are following the formal curriculum in the Primary department follow the National Curriculum at an appropriate level that they can access, this is the same at Key Stage One and Key Stage Two.  Pupils are taught both core and foundation subject as well as RE across all year groups.

More information about the National Curriculum can be found here: –

The national curriculum in England – Framework document (

Where appropriate pupils will also complete standard tests that are required, these include reception baseline test, phonics test, Key Stage 1 SATS, Multiplication tables checks Key Stage 2 SATS.

Formal (secondary)

The compulsory National Curriculum subjects are the ‘core’ and ‘foundation’ subjects.

Core subjects are:




Foundation subjects are:


Physical education



Design and technology.


Modern foreign languages which will be decided upon on a year-by-year basis.

Sex and Relationships Education is taught at Key Stage Three and Four.

Curriculum leads produce curriculum plans to identify the key knowledge, understanding and skills for each subject in the rolling programme. The leadership team work alongside curriculum leaders to agree a breadth of coverage, identifying areas to be covered each term, ensuring breadth of content and appropriate coverage for each curriculum area.

Most students who attend Croft Community School follow differentiated programmes of study that have been designed by Lead Practitioners in each subject area in both Primary and Secondary departments. Teachers plan a curriculum from Key Stage One to Four that builds on and prepares for the next stages of learning.  Students follow a knowledge acquisition-based curriculum, planning a series of sequenced lessons, identifying and teaching the composite and component knowledge that is needed to develop the skills of the National Curriculum (details on the school website in the long-term plans).  Individual teachers develop medium term plans which adapt and expand on the identified learning for each topic across all year groups, medium term plans describe the main teaching activities and organisation, the component knowledge to be acquired and the composite assessment statement to be identified. The plans also suggest the key vocabulary and definition, meaning and context as well as equipment and resources that may be used to deliver the learning outcomes.

Assessments in all subjects are made at three points in the academic year so that any gaps in knowledge can be quickly identified and addressed.  The assessment records are held on the School Information Management System tracking how students acquire knowledge and skills as they progress through the curriculum, developing their abilities across subject areas, and building on their progress from previous key stages.  This information is available for reviews and is reported to carers and parents at the end of the academic year.

Students achieve accreditation depending upon their individual ability in different subject areas. There is not a ‘one size fits all’ curriculum for students in Croft; prior attainment is taken into account, alongside future aspiration and interests allowing students to select from a range of appropriate academic and vocational courses including GCSEs, Entry Level Certificates; NOCN courses, Level 1 and Level 2 BTECs, Functional Skills and Unit Award Schemes.


Overall responsibility for the co-ordination and quality of the school curriculum lies with the senior leadership team. The two assistant headteachers, Primary lead and Secondary lead work closely with the subject lead practitioners, the responsibilities are as follows:

Assistant Headteacher primary has responsibility and oversight of English, Maths and Science as part of the primary Curriculum.

Assistant Headteacher secondary has responsibility and oversight of Maths and Science as part of the Secondary Curriculum.

Lead teacher secondary has oversight of secondary English and other secondary subjects.

Deputy Headteacher has oversight and responsibility of subjects delivered in the pre-formal and semi-formal curriculum.

Lead practitioners also have a responsibility for overseeing curriculum planning and delivery within their departments. Curriculum leads are responsible for advising and leading the school in relation to their curriculum area. They monitor the delivery of the curriculum and support staff across the school to understand and utilise the best approaches to teaching and learning for pre formal, semi-formal and formal learners. In order to ensure the quality of teaching and learning and develop consistency across the school, curriculum leaders monitor classroom practice using a range of approaches.

Curriculum monitoring may include:

  • Work scrutiny and inspection of assessments
  • Classroom observations and learning walks
  • Pupil voice
  • Questionnaires or surveys to staff and to parents and carers

Curriculum development is one of the key areas in the School Improvement Plan (SIP). Our aim is that the curriculum at Croft Community School continues to develop and improve, ensuring that it effectively maximises the achievements of our pupils, and responds to and addresses the needs of all our children and young people. Ongoing curriculum monitoring and development ensures that we deliver a curriculum that is broad, balanced and well planned, so that individuals cumulate relevant knowledge, understanding and skills for their next stage in education, training or employment.

Our curriculum:

  • Creates a learning environment in which pupils are happy, confident and secure
  • Provides a personalised approach linked to each pupil’s individual needs and learning intentions
  • Provides opportunities for all pupils to develop key skills for life, including the ability to communicate, socialise and be as independent as possible
  • Promotes high expectations and challenges pupils to achieve their very best
  • Promotes pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and prepares all pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life
  • Enables pupils to become active, lead healthy lifestyles and enjoy physical activity
  • Enriches pupils’ lives with a wide range of on and off-site learning experiences, which promote participation in community life
  • Recognises achievement, through school systems and external accreditation

Croft Community School
Greencroft Road End, Annfield Plain, Stanley, Co. Durham, DH9 8PR

Tel: 01207 234547

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