
In Key Stage 3 pupils are taught further skills in listening and appraising, composing and performing.

Pupils are taught basic notation and theory, more complex chords, melodies and rhythms on the ukulele and Djembe drumming. Pupils are taught about famous composers and they undertake a project using research methods.

By the end of Key Stage 3, all pupils should:

  • Know basic rhythm notation
  • Know the basic features of a stave
  • Be able to play at least 3 chords on the ukulele
  • Be able to repeat and compose a rhythm on a percussion instrument
  • Be able to talk about a piece of music and the composer
  • Be able to perform in front of an outside audience
  • Be able to talk about a piece of music they have heard.

Croft Community School works closely with Durham Music Service and the music department have good links with the other Special School in Durham. This gives pupils the opportunity to challenge themselves further and become involved in wider community based projects.

All pupils are given the opportunity to take part in weekly signing choir sessions which uses British Sign Language to interpret modern songs.

Music is celebrated through events in school such as concerts and talent shows, we even have musicians from around the world visit and play for our students.


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Croft Community School
Greencroft Road End, Annfield Plain, Stanley, Co. Durham, DH9 8PR

Tel: 01207 234547

Website by Greyphox Digital