Loading... Taking too long? Reload document | Open in new tab Download [829.99 KB] Huge Congratulations to our amazing reading stars who have tried so hard over this term to read every day and take part in lots and lots of reading time during afternoon Who will be our reading stars in the Spring Term? Category: BlogBy l.davisDecember 18, 2020Leave a commentShare this postShare with FacebookShare with TwitterShare with Google+Share with PinterestShare with WhatsAppShare with LinkedIn Author: l.davis Post navigationPreviousPrevious post:Christmas reward Breakfast 80 (Articles 24,31)NextNext post:Feeding Families and FoodbankRelated postsUpcoming EventsSeptember 24, 2024Croft leads the way in Maths Mastery!September 24, 2024Raffle Winners!July 22, 2024Planned changes to school buildingsJuly 18, 2024New Starters Transition DaysJune 28, 2024Results Day Letter Year 11 studentsJune 25, 2024