Christmas events

Good Evening Everyone
Letters will be coming home next week about all the events that are taking place over Christmas. They are also on the school Facebook page.
6th December- Primary Wow Day 1.30-2.30 Primary parents and carers invited.
10th December- Coffee morning at 10.00
11th December Polar Express night
11th December at 1.15 Primary Nativity Play
13th December Christmas Fayre with a 1.30 start
16th December Secondary Christmas party

17th December Primary Christmas lunch

18th December Secondary Christmas Party

19th December Primary Christmas party

16-20th December Primary and Secondary rewards week with individual trips arranged.  Letters coming home for individual students.

Don’t forget the Christmas Fayre.

Croft Community School
Greencroft Road End, Annfield Plain, Stanley, Co. Durham, DH9 8PR

Tel: 01207 234547

Website by Greyphox Digital