In Hazel class we love using ‘Attention Autism’ as a way of engaging pupils, supporting shared attention and encouraging communication.
This week we used ‘Attention Autism’ in phonics, to introduce our new letter sounds.
There are four stage and Hazel class have been working on the first three.
The Bucket
This helps us to focus our attention and can be used to introduce a new concept or vocabulary.
The Attention Builder
Miss Robson then shared a story using props to continue to build attention and engagement.
The Interactive Game
Pupils took turns sorting objects into groups based on their initial letter sound.
Pupils then transferred their knowledge of the new letter sounds to their own individual or group activities.
Some of the pupils went on to play pop up pirate where they used PECS to request a colour and in order to put the sword into the barrel they were encouraged to sound out the letter sound.
Pupils also went on the practice additional speed sounds and handwriting.
Croft Community School
Greencroft Road End, Annfield Plain, Stanley, Co. Durham, DH9 8PR
Tel: 01207 234547