Information update

Afternoon Everyone

Please find below a letter regarding Halloween film Friday, Parent’s Evening and Ofsted update.

Dear Parents and Carers


I am just writing to you to inform you of some upcoming events over the next few weeks.  Firstly, as I’m sure you are aware we have recently had our Ofsted inspection on Monday and Tuesday this week so thank you very much to all parents and carers who completed the online comments via the Ofsted website. As soon as we have the official results we will publish them on the website and they will be on the official Ofsted website which we will provide a link to.

In other news the PTA have organised a Halloween film afternoon on the last day of term next week and will be providing a range of tasty treats while the pupils are watching the movie.  Huge thanks to all of those parents involved for organising this.   If PRIMARY only  pupils want to wear Halloween costumes that would be fine but can we please request that pupils do not wear masks or face make-up as lots of our pupils can be very sensitive to this.  Please send in the costume in a bag to be worn on the afternoon.

We will also be collecting goods, tinned and packet items only please, for Harvest Festival and all donations that we receive will be given to the Stanley Food Bank (PACT house). If anyone wants to drop these goods off or send them in with their children we would really appreciate this. This needs to be done by Tuesday 2nd November.   We will be having a virtual Primary harvest celebration on the Wednesday and will post the video via class DOJO.

Thank you for all of the suggestions regarding the After School clubs and we hope to have these up and running as soon as possible after half term.

Parents Evening will be the 1st   November and I’m delighted to say we will be having parents back into school.  Primary parents will be able to visit their child’s class teacher and staff and Secondary pupils will be able to discuss progress with their child’s subject teacher in the school hall.   Parents evening will begin at 3:20 and finish at 4:40 so please come along to discuss your child’s progress and raise any issues or concerns that you may have.

As ever, if you have any concerns or issues please get in touch via the usual channels.


Yours Sincerely

Lee Davis

Head of School


Croft Community School
Greencroft Road End, Annfield Plain, Stanley, Co. Durham, DH9 8PR

Tel: 01207 234547

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