P3’s Mindfulness March

P3 shared the story ‘The Princess and the Fog’ by Lloyd Jones.

We had a big discussion on what we thought the story was about and came to the decision that when the princess was talking about fog she meant she was feeling sad.

In the story the princesses friends and family tried different ways to cheer her up.

As a class we spoke about ways in which we could help each other feel better if we were feeling sad.

                 “talk to someone”                                                                                                                               “Play with lego”








“Play with a friend”                                                                                                                                        “Sensory time”







We then thought about ways in which we could help others to be happy when they are feeling sad. P3 thought they could make a display for everyone to see that had strategies on we use as a class to feel happier.

We have also introduced ‘Action for Happiness’ each day we have a different mindfulness activity to think about and complete. This a also a good way to help us think positively. Today’s was to ‘get outside and notice five things that are beautiful’.

“I think the holly looks beautiful”


“Because the tree is nice and leaves and branches”

“I like the birds tweeting”


P3 had returned to class after a cold spring walk we decided to help with our well being, warm us up and make us all smile we would have a nice warm drink of juice or a hot chocolate with squirty cream and marshmallows.

As you can see from the photos below this made us all smile.









If anyone would like to join P3 in their mindfulness month of activities please visit www.actionforhappiness.com it has a different mindful calendar on for each month full of activities that could be completed at home or school.


Croft Community School
Greencroft Road End, Annfield Plain, Stanley, Co. Durham, DH9 8PR

Tel: 01207 234547

Website by Greyphox Digital