Science outdoors – Oak

Following on from our lovely trip to Hamsterley Forest Oak class in Science this week were working on knowing the four seasons and the weather associated with theses seasons.

We learnt this by observing the trees in the forest and when we came back to school we read our autumn sensory story using the book ‘Autumn is here’ by Heidi Pross.

We discussed the different clothes we wear in autumn compared to summer, that in autumn time we see more yellow and brown leaves, acorns and pumpkins. In autumn time we also celebrate bonfire night.

After the story we wrapped up warm with our hats and scarfs and put on our wellies and went out to the outdoor classroom.

In the outdoor classroom we explored for signs of autumn.

Finally, we built a fire to toast marshmallows just like they did in our autumn story.

We had lots of fun and now our classrooms smells just like a bonfire too!


Croft Community School
Greencroft Road End, Annfield Plain, Stanley, Co. Durham, DH9 8PR

Tel: 01207 234547

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