P3 were introduced to the new topic ‘All creatures great and small’.
Pupils were asked the big question ‘How do we know we are alive?’
Some answers were:
“because your heart is beating”, “because our blood and our heart”, “because we are breathing” and “because we eat and drink”.
We then discussed different things that were living “animals” and “plants”.
Today we went on the bus to the garden centre to buy some seeds to firstly grow in class before we move them to the wildlife garden P3 are going to design and create.
We also looked at different animals’ habitats.
We found a pond but couldn’t see any animals. We did see a snowy owl.
We enjoyed looking at all the colourful fish in the aquarium.
We paid for our seeds and then went to explore outside,
Stay tuned for any updates!
Croft Community School
Greencroft Road End, Annfield Plain, Stanley, Co. Durham, DH9 8PR
Tel: 01207 234547