Afternoon Everybody
Bad news I’m afraid, our other members of staff have tested positive. We have sent a text message to pupils, parents and carers who have been in close contact with the members of staff with information about self-isolation.
The Primary department will be deep cleaned before the pupils in Primary return.
Due to the numbers of staff having to self-isolate it is with a heavy heart we will have close the 5 Primary classes on Monday and Tuesday. Hazel will return to school on Wednesday 4th November.
Birch and Rowan pupils need to self-isolate but will return to school on Thursday 5th November as will Maple and Beech.
If you require any further information or have any questions please get in touch via the Facebook or school email address which is on this webpage.
Croft Community School
Greencroft Road End, Annfield Plain, Stanley, Co. Durham, DH9 8PR
Tel: 01207 234547