Place Value in P4
P4 have been learning about the value of each digit in numbers. We used lots of concrete apparatus to help us visually see the values. We are very proud of the progress we are making in maths.
P4 have been learning about the value of each digit in numbers. We used lots of concrete apparatus to help us visually see the values. We are very proud of the progress we are making in maths.
P4 were visited by the school nurse as part of our topic, ‘Good to be Me’. The nurse discussed ways to keep our bodies healthy. We came up with some brilliant ideas and there was lots of discussion. We talked about hygiene, eating healthily, exercise and looking after our teeth.
P4 have been learning how to use inverted commas in English. We learnt the skills by making human sentences and adding body punctuation to the sentences. We then used our new skills in our writing using pictures from our novel, The Demon Dentist as a stimulus.
P4 have been reading The Demon Dentist by David Williams, as part of English lessons. We have been thinking carefully about the characters in the story and how they were feeling at different points. We used drama to ‘hot seat’ the characters. We really enjoyed taking on different roles. We also used ‘role on the…
In Maths, P4 have been learning how to round numbers to the nearest 10 and 100. We played a fun game with a partner where we needed to round numbers. The winner was the first person to get 3 in a row. We had great fun.
We have been learning to light bunsen burners safely this week, in preparation for investigations to come. We tried opening and closing the air hole to alter the flame – the hotter flame is blue and roars!