Author: Mrs J Kennedy

School Uniform Survey Analysis

A huge thank you to all of you who took the time to complete our uniform survey. There were a staggering 124 responses. Your opinion, along with our students, really…
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Turn-taking Games in Birch

Today for our Topic lesson we had a go at playing games that encouraged turn-taking.  We had games such as connect 4, pop and hop, Jigsaw and Dominos. It was…
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School Uniform Survey

Good morning, we would like to gather your thoughts about our current school uniform. Could you please click the link to complete our survey. If you could please do this…
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Conscious Alley for Drama

We have been reading ‘The Barnabus Project’ and for our Drama lesson Birch got into a conscious alley and we choose certain children to walk down the middle of the…
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Recreating a mine!

In History, Birch have been learning all about the North East and its links to coal mining. We had a talk from Mr Walker, who discussed how his family members…
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Particles in Science!

Birch class have been learning about States of Matter in Science. They showed how particles act when they are a solid, gas or a liquid. They had great fun and…
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Croft Community School
Greencroft Road End, Annfield Plain, Stanley, Co. Durham, DH9 8PR

Tel: 01207 234547

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