School Uniform Survey Analysis

A huge thank you to all of you who took the time to complete our uniform survey.
There were a staggering 124 responses. Your opinion, along with our students, really does matter.
Navy was the preferred colour of sweatshirts for secondary and jade green for primary, both with 21% of responses.
82.3% preferred black trousers or skirt
52% thought the school logo on uniform was important.




Surveys were also carried out in school, with students, and the results were similar.
There were some really interesting comments, a selection is here for you to look at.

Taking into the account the views of parents/carers and students, from September 2022, Croft Community School uniform will be:

Jade green sweatshirt/jumper (round neck or V neck) or cardigan or tank top
Black trousers or skirt
Black shoes or all black trainers

Secondary KS3 and KS4
Navy sweatshirt/jumper (round neck or V neck) or cardigan or tank top
Black trousers or skirt
Black shoes or all black trainers

PE Uniform for both Primary and Secondary

Round neck white t shirt
Black jogging/tracksuit bottoms or leggings or shorts
Trainers or black plimsolls

Uniform in these colours can be purchased either with or without the school logo.
If you are purchasing without the logo, these colours can be purchased in high street stores such as Asda, who also have uniform which is ‘sensory kind’ as do Marks and Spencer, with their ‘Skin kind’ range.

For those of you who would like the school logo on uniform, we will be discussing pricing with our suppliers and will inform you when order forms will be available, this will be after Easter.
Please do not purchase new uniform jumpers or sweatshirts for this year, if you are in desperate need please call school as we do have some spare uniform.



Croft Community School
Greencroft Road End, Annfield Plain, Stanley, Co. Durham, DH9 8PR

Tel: 01207 234547

Website by Greyphox Digital