Year 6 Croft Garden Fun!!

Today some of our parents/careers came into school to see our Year 6 books for their end of year treat. The children and adults enjoyed some pizza, cookies and juice. We also had a special treat from Mrs Howard and had some Pea Pods from the garden. Thank you all for coming!

Facts about Maya people!

During our lesson for Topic we split into two groups and worked together looking at fact cards and writing down facts that we thought was most interesting. The children did great teamwork and identities facts that they all found interesting and different about Maya people.

Circuit fun!

Today for our practical in Science we split into groups of two. The children looked at creating a full circuit using a power supply, buzzer, wires and a light bulb. Then they looked at when circuits break and when they aren’t complete. They had to problem solve in identifying how to make a full circuit…

Croft Shop

Today we practiced our money skills by creating our very own Croft Shop in Birch. The children had a handful of objects that were labelled with a price tag and they were given random amounts of money. The children came up and asked for the object that they wanted and had to give Mrs Dunn…

Expanded noun phrases

Today we recapped our knowledge of what a noun was. The children were asked what a noun was and all of them said a person, place or thing. The children were asked to pick an object and to tell staff what the noun was. We then looked at a PowerPoint to help explain what a…

Money Money Money!

Today for our Maths lesson we have started to learn about MONEY! We created our own shop and we had to use money to buy what we wanted. We had to challenge ourselves to see if we had enough for what we wanted. We had to count out the correct amount and we had to…

Coordinating conjunctions

As part of Birch’s English lesson, we mixed coordinating conjunctions up with other words and the children had 4 baskets in the corners of the classroom. There children were ask to come up and identify coordinating conjunctions from the choices on the floor. The children worked independently as well as working in a team! Birch…