Science in Rowan (Article 31)

During Science today in Rowan the children have been learning all about the skeleton and how our bones and parts of the body help us. Once we identified the different parts of the body and labelled them we then went onto to do an investigation.  The investigation was to find out if our femur actually…

Vets on the Meowve

Today the Animal Care group had a visit from the wonderful veterinary nurses from Vets On The Meowve. They demonstrated how to do a health check on an animal and how to restrain them in a way that keeps you and the animal safe. The children were even able to ask questions about getting into…

Hold the front page!

Rowan class held a press conference today. They thought of questions they needed to ask for their newspaper report, to ensure their readers got the information necessary. Luckily we had a member of the class who had seen the events unfold there to answer all their questions.  

Hunting for Stomata

Today P2 were wondering how can plants breath when they don’t have a mouth like us… or so we thought. We used a microscope and found that they DO! They have tiny holes in the leaves called Stomata which they use to take in Carbon Dioxide and release Oxygen for us to breath. We all…

Bubble fun

Today the children in primary had a fun filled visit from Crazy Colin the Bubbleologist. We had an amazing time watching the wonderful variety of bubbles he was able to create. Our favourite was the millions of bubbles Crazy Colin used to give Jane a new hairdo. The white bubble bombs were magical, we all…