Mindful moments: Week 2

Hi everyone, I hope you enjoyed mindful handwashing. This week I particularly noticed the fragrance of the handwash and the gentle warmth of the water between my fingers as I focussed on my own handwashing.

For this week consider making a mindful rainbow

This is a simple activity that will teach your child to be mindful of his or her surroundings.

Before you begin, have a quick discussion to remind him of the colours of a rainbow (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet). Then, step outside for a short walk in a green space or local park. If this is difficult then your garden will provide lots of inspiration.

Throughout the walk, ask your child to find something to represent each colour of the rainbow. Maybe you could bring a small notebook to jot down the answers, or simply take note of them in their mind.

Depending on the surroundings, some colours will be more difficult to locate than others; this is part of the fun!

Try to keep walking until you’ve found an example of every colour. As your child’s mindfulness grows, this strategy might turn into a daily mindful habit and be useful as a grounding or settling strategy.

When done, discuss how it felt to notice what was around you on the walk and be mindful of your surroundings. Was it fun? Was it calming?

We would love to hear about your journey to find a mindful rainbow!


Croft Community School
Greencroft Road End, Annfield Plain, Stanley, Co. Durham, DH9 8PR

Tel: 01207 234547

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