RRS Eco friendly and Climate change 80 (Article 3,4,6,15,23,

Today the pupils in 80 embedded their English, Art and RRS topic linked to the Earth day and Climate action changes. The sunflowers have been re potted into bigger pots to allow them to grow and become stronger in the sunlight at the reception area of the school.  Each pupil then wrote a diary entry of how they have been Eco friendly such as designing posters to be displayed around school to encourage others to recycle and providing recycling deposit boxes which are used from recycled card board.  In the words of Bobby Rockett ” We are one of many classes, but we can make a difference. You can find big power in small things like humming birds. “

Croft Community School
Greencroft Road End, Annfield Plain, Stanley, Co. Durham, DH9 8PR

Tel: 01207 234547

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