World book day in Rowan

World book day in Rowan was amazing and everyone made lots of effort with their costumes and props.  Reading opportunities were experienced, staff to pupils and peer to peer. Some lovely book markers were made and The Fantastic Mr Fox enjoyed relaxing in the reading area. Mrs Devlin read The Room on the Broom with…

Science in Rowan (Article 31)

During Science today in Rowan the children have been learning all about the skeleton and how our bones and parts of the body help us. Once we identified the different parts of the body and labelled them we then went onto to do an investigation.  The investigation was to find out if our femur actually…

Our Royal Jubilee Celebrations (Birch)

Today in Birch everyone has thoroughly enjoyed participating in the Queen’s Royal Jubilee.  We took part in activities from designing cakes, a quiz, a colouring competition,  to making a Union Jack flag from recycled clothes and donating the rest of the clothes to Connect the clothing bank to compete in the competition to win funds…

Birch Scientists (Article 28)

During Science this afternoon the pupils in Birch have been investigating if using a range of everyday products such as salt, flour, oil, sugar, rice, lime juice and hot chocolate would dissolve or not when added to cold water.  The pupils then transferred the results of the findings into a carroll diagram and discussed the…

English (9R Article 28)

During our English in 9R, pupils have been identifying verbs and doing actions to go with them following the Whizzbang Wizard story. Kayla said used a verb in a sentence independently ” The dog is fetching the ball”. The pupils are looking forward now to reading chapter three and finding out what happens! How many…