Tag: mental health

Primary Easter Rewards day

Today in primary the pupils participated in a Reward Easter Hunt in the garden working together to find chocolate chicks and a special super searcher found a chocolate Easter lolly. …
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Primary PE

During PE today primary pupils worked together for team building to build up characters’ faces using a range of equipment for their shape and size. Turn taking and listening skills…
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Rowan’s Big Tidy (Primary)

The pupils in Rowan today took the opportunity to have a Big Tidy to the side of the building, has over the Autumn all the leaves have fallen and made…
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Primary PESSPA

During PESSPA play in primary the pupils enjoy a wide range of activities to participate in to encourage play and health and well being. It’s that time of year when…
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Chestnut Intervention group (Primary)

This week Jenson and Mahmoud have been working on turn taking and sharing social skills. They have played games, bubble blowing and this afternoon enjoyed working together to feed the…
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Chestnut Intervention group (primary)

This week during Chestnut intervention group the group have focused on using fine motor skills, turn taking and sharing, hand eye co- ordination, thinking skills, working together, problem solving and…
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Chestnut group (Article 28,31 & 36)

During Chestnut intervention group today the group followed a structured visual schedule to participate in a baking activity.  Skills used were turn taking, listening and following instructions and personal safety…
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Vikings in Rowan class (Article 31 & 28)

During topic this term in Rowan class we are learning about Vikings. This afternoon we participated in a carousel of activities visiting others classes to complete them including reading and…
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Croft Community School
Greencroft Road End, Annfield Plain, Stanley, Co. Durham, DH9 8PR

Tel: 01207 234547

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