Updates and Remote Learning

Evening Everyone

We are looking forward to welcoming some of our pupils back tomorrow, our Primary pupils, two of our Year Eight classes and some pupils in other year groups who were absent last week.

In terms of remote learning I know this has been a struggle for some pupils so I have attached a remote learning timetable to this blog. The blue boxes are when teachers will be delivering remote learning from school, the white boxes are when those teacher will be available to answer any questions that you or your child may have about the work. Either you or your children can contact staff via Teams for support during the lesson time. This is at the top of the timetable.

Hope this explains everything and thanks again for your support over the past few days, it is very much appreciated.

Croft Community School
Greencroft Road End, Annfield Plain, Stanley, Co. Durham, DH9 8PR

Tel: 01207 234547

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