Chestnut Intervention group (primary)

This week during Chestnut intervention group the group have focused on using fine motor skills, turn taking and sharing, hand eye co- ordination, thinking skills, working together, problem solving and recognising the zones of regulation. Fun practical activities have included treasure hunt for gold coins, hand football challenge, jumping into the correct colour hula hoop…

Chestnut group (Article 28,31 & 36)

During Chestnut intervention group today the group followed a structured visual schedule to participate in a baking activity.  Skills used were turn taking, listening and following instructions and personal safety when baking. They then listened to Miss Ennis read a lovely story all about a recycling a box and the children decided that for an…

PE Primary (Article 28 & 31)

During PE today primary took advantage of the sunshine and went onto the big playing field where Birch joined up with Beech and a few pupils from Hazel to play Cricket.  The pupils and staff were split into two team with one team practicing, turn taking, waiting, hitting the ball, running from bay to bay…