Chestnut Intervention group (primary)

This week during Chestnut intervention group the group have focused on using fine motor skills, turn taking and sharing, hand eye co- ordination, thinking skills, working together, problem solving and recognising the zones of regulation. Fun practical activities have included treasure hunt for gold coins, hand football challenge, jumping into the correct colour hula hoop…

Mrs Convery Cookery Enrichment

On a Friday afternoon Mrs Convery runs a cookery enrichment group.   In these groups pupils learn a number of different skills, some being turn taking, weighing of ingredients, following instructions and communication and listening. Pupils learn to use different equipment and try to complete the task independently. This week the group made chocolate crispies.…

Primary Enrichment

On a Friday afternoon in Primary we have been joining enrichment groups. The cookery group met in Hazel class and we made some chocolate crispies. The boys chose which chocolate they wanted before breaking it up into a bowl.   They then melted the chocolate in the microwave, checking it did not burn and trying…