Tennis in Oak

Oak class have really enjoyed PE this term. We have been working on Net and Wall games and in particular tennis. Pupils have developed their knowledge and skills by learning how to throw and catch a ball, hold a racket correctly, know what a forehand and backhand hit is and and use their knowledge of…

Oak Class Science – Plants

This half term in Science we have started learning about Plants. We learnt the different parts of a plant and labelled them. Pupils enjoyed investigating with magnifying glasses, taking the flowers apart and looking closely at all the parts. The following week we enjoyed learning about the difference between bulbs and seeds. We discussed what…

Pancake Fun – Oak Class

Who knew Computing and English could be made extra fun with pancakes! Today in Computing we had to order a set of commands in order to make pancakes. Sometimes we got the commands in the wrong order and had to do some debugging. Once we had an order we followed the instructions to ensure they…

Rowan Water Safety

In Rowan we have been learning about water safety in preparation for our swimming lessons next half term. Today we found out about cold water shock and what to do if we ever fall into cold water. We know we must float like a starfish. We had to complete a little experiment. If we were…

Rowan Visit to Neuroactive

Rowan went out into the community today to see the wonderful work of the Neuroactive group which is based in Ouston Community Centre. The centre specialises in the support and rehabilitation of adults with neurological conditions, brain injuries and strokes to build their self confidence and develop their independence skills. We joined in with some…