Reflection patterns.

Year 10 art students used online software ‘Photopea’ to create reflection patterns as a response to the famous artist and pattern designer William Morris. Each pattern is based on a natural image, see if you can spot the animal, bird or plant. They are absolutely amazing!

Land Art

7V have been learning about different types of sculpture including abstract, figurative, relief, kinetic and today land art. They learned about the artist Andy Goldsworthy and created their own circular responses using found materials in our outdoor area. It was fantastic to see their designs evolving and growing as they made their own creative decisions…

Friday enrichment

I Class 9R, enjoyed learning some new life skills during Friday enrichment. We have been learning how to fold clothes  properly and sort them into whites, darks and colours.  We have learned how to work the washing machine and where to put the washing powder and fabric softener ready for a 40 degrees wash. Great…

Digestive System for Science

In Birch’s Science lesson we had a looked at the digestive system. We did a practical activity where we created a our own using tights, cups and a tray and recreated our small and large intestines, the stomach. We then went through the process our bodies do to digest food! We then created a poster…