Computer walk & sandwich making
P3 went on a walk to Tesco this week. On the way we had to look out for different types of computers in the environment.
Once at Tesco’s we used our shopping lists to check we had all the ingredient needed for school.
The next day Miss Robson really wanted a ham sandwich for dinner but she had forgot how to make one. We took it in turns to give Miss Robson instructions on how to make a sandwich, this was a harder job than P3 first thought it would be.
We had to make sure our instructions were clear and precise or Miss Robson got it wrong.
“Put the ham in and the butter in” “pick the butter up”
“put the ham on the bread”
This has helped P3 to understand the importance of clear instruction especially when using computers and coding.
Miss Robson finally got herself a lovely ham sandwich.
Thank you P3!